The Premier Collections Agency

Asset Searching

Asset searching is key in any enforcement procedure as every collector needs to use a variety of tools to establish the value of the business or the wealth of the individual before any instruction from our clients, Commercial’s initial searches are key in establishing whether the client will be paid in full for the debt outstanding or in some cases the debt is lost.

Initial searches on Debtors

We pride ourselves at commercial as we are completely honest to our client’s from the beginning of our instruction and we will give our clients a good percentage rate if we consider the debt collectible and will also return the case if we consider the debt uncollectable from the start.

Items listed from commercial asset searches

  • Electrical roll information
  • Land registry data including property value
  • Bankruptcy listing
  • Insolvency searches IVA & CVA Bankruptcies and winding up petitions
  • Company history and CCJ’S and Judgement orders

With this information from our asset searches we will be able to insist on full payment from most debtors and overcome their usual excuses for non-payment. We at commercial offer this asset search as a free service to all our clients when we are assigned over a debt to collect on their behalf.

If you are interested in our asset searches don’t hesitate to contact us and one of our agents will assist you at the earliest convenience.

Delighted in how Commercial Enforcements collected a sensitive debt, avoiding time and expensive solicitors and leaving a continued business relationship between the debtor and myself intact.ITC Markets - FinancialDave
These boys work miracles.Covent Garden ImporterGary
Within 24 hours our problems with outstanding Commercial Rent or Forfeiture is resolved. I can always rely on Commercial Enforcements.Commercial Property DivisionSanjay
We wasted no time in sending these boys in. A bespoke service for every problem. Never in doubt and a pleasure to work with.Covent Garden Supply – ImportersPaul & Alfie
Fast, effective and gentlemen to work with, they amaze me in their quick response and speedy resolution.Covent Garden CateringMartinNatures Choice
Smart guys with a whole new unique collection approach, delighted with their numerous collection assignments. Thoroughly recommended.DL-Flower Importers – HollandDirk
We can always rely on Commercial Enforcements in their fast , efficient, ethical approach and excellent collection return…well done.Covent Garden Wholesale and CateringI.A. Harris
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Access to debt recovery reports

Commercial Enforcements gives the client availability to obtain regular reports and updates of each case as developments occur. Reports can be viewed at any time, including the collectors notes and payments made, It is a protected site with your own secure password

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